Friday, September 14, 2012

Recruitment Quotes

You need massive recruitment to tell the poorest of the poor what is possible. 
Jonathan Kozol 

So, I got a lot of recruitment letters from track. 
Bo Jackson 

With the establishment of a presence in all three counties of Delaware, recruitment in and outside Delaware and throughout the world and new master's and doctoral programs, Delaware State University will continue to grow and attract even more qualified students. 
Michael N. Castle 

But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral. 
Adam Schiff 

I do recognise that, where recruitment difficulties persist, teachers can be put under great pressure. 
Estelle Morris 

However, the Government has made it clear that we do not encourage the recruitment of teachers from developing nations where there may be an adverse effect on the economy. 
Estelle Morris 

The best method for preventing destructive cult involvement is preventative education. If students and the public at large are more aware of destructive groups beforehand they may better understand and resist their recruitment efforts. 
Rick Ross 

Recruitment and retention are critical to sustain our Armed Forces with the best men and women willing to stand in the gap and make huge sacrifices to ensure our freedom. 
Zack Wamp 

We're seeing the development of tactics in Iraq, such as suicide bombing. Insurgents have been driving cars with explosives into hotels and office buildings. The recruitment may be even more prolific outside Iraq. 
Rand Beers 

Continuing economic growth requires both recruitment of new companies and expansion of existing businesses. 
Phil Bredesen 

Also, schools share some responsibility and should offer helpful orientations that include general information about such recruitment efforts on their campuses. 
Rick Ross 

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